Golf Cart Salvage and Savings

Getting used golf cart parts from golf cart salvage dealers can save you some serious money and provide you with some interesting adventures.
Since we live in a golf cart community there are lots of golf cart dealers who sell new and used golf carts and repair golf carts as well. So, it's not surprising that many of them have used parts that they'd like to get rid of, I mean sell.
Golf Cart Roofs

Take for example a golf cart top. Our golf cart roof had developed some cracks and holes so that when it rained, well put it this way, if an umbrella would have fit under the roof, it would have been a good idea to use one. Although I buy a lot of my golf cart parts on line, the cost of shipping a new roof just made it too expensive. So then I called to get prices on a new top, with the highest price at $350 I decided that maybe new wasn't the way to go.

Next, I called one golf cart shop and asked if they had any used tops they'd like to sell. Well, if you look carefully at the back of the top picture you'll see that they didn't have just two or three tops - noooo, they had probably four stacks of them that went as high as the top of the golf cart. Needless to say it took some time to go through them to find one that wasn't damaged. With some good scrubbing the top looks just like new and it cost me a total of $70. In this case it was worth it to take the time to look for something used. For more ideas and tips on how to find used golf cart parts go to:
Golf Cart Salvage
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Bill Degner
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