Golf Cart Serial Number - Where to Find It and Why You Need to Know It

I recently received a letter in the mail from the office of Peachtree City requiring all golf cart owners to register or re-register their golf carts. The form requires several bits of golf cart information such as the serial number, the make of the golf cart, the year the golf cart was manufactured and whether it is an electric or gas golf cart. The same information is required whenever a person in Peachtree City sells their golf cart or purchases a used golf cart that is registered under a previous owner's name.
Serial numbers, make, model and year of the golf cart is information that is also necessary when purchasing golf cart parts and golf cart repair manuals. For some golf carts, this information is very visible and easily found. Others carts like Yamaha golf carts, you may have to hire Sherlock Holmes to find it. For tips on how to locate this important info go to
Golf Cart Serial Numbers
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Bill Degner
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