Used Golf Cart Values - Buying A Used Golf Cart

After looking at many used golf carts these past several months, I'm getting a good feel for used golf cart values. It's time to replace our 1987 Club Car with a cart that has more power and speed and a rear seat. Did you know that when it comes to used golf cart values, that age is not the most important factor? I've looked at a poorly maintained 2002 used EZ Go cart that couldn't compare to the well maintained 1996 Club cart.
Used Golf Cart Prices
One of the biggest considerations in determining used electric golf cart prices is the age and the condition of the batteries. New golf cart batteries can cost around $500-$600 to replace. Last week I looked at a 2003 EZ Go golf cart. The owner was asking top dollar for his cart, but with good reason.
The golf cart batteries had just been replaced this summer. I looked at the batteries and checked the water levels along with checking out the battery cables and terminals for corrosion. Everything checked out like new. Other used golf carts that I looked at with older batteries - 4-6 years old, discounted the price of their golf cart. You can see why the price of the used golf cart largely depends on the age and condition of the batteries.
Golf Cart Accessories
Golf cart accessories or the condition of the accessories also play into the price of the cart. I've seen carts with cracked windshields, torn seat covers, and worn tires. Think about the cost of replacing some of these items when making an offer.
Conversely there are many used golf carts for sale that include some costly golf cart accessories. Like a custom Sunbrella golf cart enclosure for a 4 seater golf cart is around $450. Custom golf cart wheels can cost several hundred dollars. Perhaps you don't care about these custom features but for those who do, factor the accessories into the price of the golf cart. You will find that the most motivated sellers are those that are moving from a golf cart community. They have no reason to take the golf cart with them and are eager to sell it before moving.
For more tips on what to look for in a used electric golf cart and help in determining golf cart prices:
Used Golf Cart Values
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Bill Degner
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